I hereby invite you to benefit others and yourself by introducing people to my AutoResponder Mail Magic training

My latest product consists of 6 videos where I cover the very methods I use to ensure that I get the maximum level of response...and therefore income...from every mail I send out.

I also include example mails that illustrate the concepts being covered within the training.

I really believe that your customers will greatly benefit from the information this information contains.

4th March @ 12:00 EST



Frontend (100% Commissions)

AutoResponder Mail Magic is a video course that I have created to explain the exact methods I use to ensure the communication I have with subscribers to my list create the maximum amount of impact and therefore the maximum amount of income.

Your customers are going to love the information contained within the training along with the great value.

OTO #1 (50% Commissions)

Many people are extremely busy with very little spare time.  The upshot of this is that they are looking for short cuts to get things done that much more quickly and efficiently.  With this offer I am supply a potential answer for these people.

I have partnered with Sean Mize (Author of the bestselling ‘Anyone Can Coach’), to provide your customers with the opportunity to get hold of 186 of Sean’s proven pre-written emails.  Each of these mails has been proven and brought Sean in literally $1000’s of income.

OTO #2 (50% Commissions)

Having the theory is one thing, but seeing someone actually writing mails, listening to the thinking behind the contents can be the difference for some people.  Therefore the 2nd OTO is a 90 minute video of Sean Mize writing 9 mails from scratch.  Talking through each of the steps and why he is writing what he is writing.  This is the closest your customers are going to get to being inside a big name marketer’s head.

In addition I am also providing two recordings Sean made with members of his highly sought after coaching group.




Feel free to edit them in any way you see fit (it is a good idea to add a bit of your personality to promotional emails)


Email 1

Subject: Who'd have thought it could be this easy?

Hi there,

It’s certainly no secret that “the money is in the list”

(in fact if you’ve hung around internet marketing circles for any length of time then you’re probably sick of hearing it)

Quite honestly nothing quite beats the feeling of clicking “send,” blasting out an email to your subscribers, and then almost instantly seeing sales dropping directly into your inbox.

The money IS in the list, but it only works if you master the skill of writing good autoresponder emails...

Now here’s some good news:

Andy Waring has put together a blueprint to show you EXACTLY how you quickly an easily start seeing income you never dreamed possible from your list.

Over the course of 6 videos he manages to strip the process down so that anyone could follow his advice and be sending out income generating emails within minutes of finishing the training

Check out the details below:


The emails you send to your subscribers can literally make or break your success online.

Good emails can bring in hundreds of sales...

...Bad emails make people reach for the dreaded “unsubscribe” button!

You probably know this. But the truth is that actually writing emails is bloody difficult...

How can you be engaging, informative, persuasive, entertaining and intriguing all at the same time?

Yep – it’s hard.

So wouldn’t it be great if someone could just show you what you can do to make sure your emails are all of the above.

Well now Andy has.

Get your access now:


Best wishes,



Email 2

Subject: Get yourself on the affiliate leaderboards

Hi there,

Ok – so we all know that writing autoresponder emails to send to your list is HARD, especially when you’re sitting there staring at a blank screen.

But the simple truth is that the emails you send to your list can literally make or break your success online…

…so it really is something that you have to learn to master.

No ifs, or buts.

So wouldn’t it be great if someone could just show you the simple steps to make sure your mails were as effective as possible.

To make sure that every time you sent out a mail, you KNEW you would see the sales coming in almost immediately.

That’s where Andy Waring’s 'AutoResponder Mail Magic’ comes in.

I’ve had a look at it and it is packed with useful down to earth advice.

Andy has recorded a blueprint that is just about essential for ANYONE building, or planning to build a list.

He goes through the exact things that he does that enable him to appear on affiliate leaderboards…

…despite having a list that is a fraction of the size of many other marketers.

After completing the videos you will be able to just concentrate on making money from email marketing, rather than stressing over what to actually write in your emails.

Quite simply it’s the solution that many marketers will have been waiting for.

Get all the details at the link below:


I should add that the training is on a dimesale so I wanted to make you aware of this as soon as I could to make sure you get it for the lowest price possible.

Best wishes,



Email 3

Subject: THE solution email marketers have been waiting for...

Hi there,

It’s no secret that email marketing is arguably THE easiest way to make money online.

BUT there’s one crucial problem that stops people from actually seeing success with...

They just don’t know what to write in their emails.

If you’ve sat there staring at a blank screen with NO clue what to write then you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.

What’s more, just how can you be engaging, informative, persuasive, entertaining and intriguing...all at the same time?

Yep - the truth is that actually writing emails to your list is bloody difficult!

So wouldn’t it be great if someone could just give you some straight forward steps to follow that would simplify the whole process?

Well now there is.

I have just come across Andy Waring’s AutoResponder Mail Magic and was caught immediately with how it could help many marketers out there…

…and who knows you might just be one of them.

Check it out below:


What you are getting is 6 videos where Andy reveals exactly what he does to create mails that get him on to the leaderboards…

…whilst having a list a fraction of the size of many other marketers.

As Andy mentions, there is no magic marketing dust, it is about using a few key principles.

Once you know these principles, the whole process becomes so much easier…

…not to mention MUCH more profitable.

Get full details at the link below...


I do warn you that the offer is currently on a dimesale.  So although great value, I highly recommend that you check it out as soon as you can so that you can get it at the lowest price possible.

Best wishes,



Any Questions

If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me a mail and I will get back to you as soon as I can: