If A Lack Of Funds, Or Knowledge, Or Skills, Or Time Has Prevented You From Succeeding Online, I Have Something That Will Remove All Those Hurdles

"The Latest In My NO HURDLES Way To Create Success Online...

...Including The Powerful Strategy That MAKES SURE Your New Subscribers Actually Read Your Emails!"

Even If You Are Starting From Scratch You Can Have My No Hurdles Done4U Funnel  Setup And  Building Your List And Making Sales Within Minutes

From The Desk of Andy Waring

Sometimes the best solutions are also the simplest. 

OK, I’m going to start by stating the bleedin’ obvious!

You need a list, right?

I am not going to try to persuade you here. I want to keep this short, and let’s face it, there is tons of stuff out there explaining why building a list is so important.

I will however just add that from a personal point of view, building a list was the BEST thing I ever did online. 

It was only when I did that I started to see the rewards all the sales pages bang on about.

If you are not yet onboard with this Rule of Success, you might as well stop here as this is probably not going to be for you.

However, if you are already on the list building train, read on, I think this is a bit special, and is already helping many happy customers


So What Stops Most People?

But first let’s have a look at some at the reasons you might not already be building a list.

There are multiple very valid reasons and here are just a few, see if any of them relate to you.

Can’t afford hosting
Can’t afford/don’t have an autoresponder
Can’t afford/don’t have a page builder
Don’t have design skills

Don’t have anything of value you can use to attract subscribers

You just aren’t techie minded
You don’t have the time to build a list building funnel

The Simple Solution

Despite the challenges out there, I found a way of providing people like you with with everything you need to start building your list…

…and succeeding online.

What I believed (and still believe) is the EASIEST done for you funnel around. 

Let Me Take All The Hurdles Away

What I am presenting to you today, is probably the ultimate done for you list building funnel available today.

OK yes, I know that probably sounds more than a bit OTT and frankly more than a little hypey, but stick with me, and I’ll try to explain.

This is not your usual done for you funnel.

It is not a bunch of webpages that require editing.

It is not something that requires you to already have hosting, or a domain name, or even an autoresponder!

(As you will see the autoresponder is the centre of the system…and isn’t going to cost you a brass farthing!)

AND on top of all of that, the funnel I’m providing is also offering an ‘email based lead magnet‘, to make sure your new subscribers open and read your emails.

As I say something VERY special that takes away most of the hurdles that stop people succeeding online!

What You Will Be Getting

Simple Out The Box Set Up

The only thing you have to download is the simple step by step PDF set up guide.

All the links and everything you need to set things up are in there.
FREE Lifetime Autoresponder Account

At the core of my system I reveal how to get a FREE lifetime autoresponder account with a market leading provider.

One Step Import Of Webpages

Via the PDF set up guide, you can just import the web pages I’ve created for the funnel.

No faffing about with FTP or WordPress.

High Perceived Value Email Based Lead Magnet

You get an attractive lead magnet to attract your potential subscribers.

In addition, it is also delivered via a sequence of emails to encourage subscribers to look out for and read your emails.

1-Step Import Email

Import the 6 day lead magnet training email sequence in literally minutes with just minimal edits.

Create Instant Sales With A Built In Upsell

Start earning straight away from an inbuilt continuity upsell affiliate funnel (make a sale once and get paid over and over again!) – No set up requirements.

Its my offer so you are guaranteed approval!

How It All Works

STAGE #01 – The Squeeze Page

Once you have followed the simple 6 steps in the PDF guide you will have imported an attractive squeeze page to start collecting your subscribers.

STAGE #02 – The Continuity Upsell Offer

When someone signs up to your list they will be presented with one of my most popular continuity offers.

This is the best sort of offer as you make the sale once and then get paid again and again and again for as long as the customer remains a member (and with an average membership of 6 months, this will soon start adding up!)

I have set everything up to make life as easy as possible for you.

You just request approval to promote the offers as an affiliate and you are guaranteed to be approved.

You earn from every sale you make…over and over again!

STAGE #03 – The Follow Up Training Emails

In addition to being sent to a continuity offer which will earn you sales commissions, they will also receive the first of the training emails they signed up for.

Again the set up of the emails is super easy.

Just import the 7 email  campaign by clicking on a link in the setup guide…

…and then amend a couple of fields in each of the emails, and you are done.

The emails also maximise your chance of making sales by re-promoting the upsell continuity offer.

So What Are You Waiting For?

So I made the claim earlier that I think I have created “the ultimate done for you list building funnel available today“.

And hopefully after reading exactly what you are getting…

…and more importantly how easy it is to set it all up, that you can see that there might just be some justification in my claim.

If you follow the simple steps in the setup guide, I’m convinced even the newest of newbies could have all this up and running, building a list and earning affiliate income,  within the hour.

(and most of that time would probably be waiting for me to get my arse in gear and approve your affiliate request 😉 )


No Hurdles Done4U Funnel: Vol II

“AR Mail Magic”


As easy as the funnel is to set up, I include full illustrated documentation to make sure ANYBODY can set things up

Getting the funnel up and running is as simple as clicking on a couple of import links and then editing a few fields

You get an attractive squeeze page to promote your offer

The upsell offer is already set up and presents a continuity offer, you just need to request approval to promote (Guaranteed acceptance)

No existing infrastructure required (hosting, domain name, autoresponder, etc)

You get an email tutorial series, to get your subscribers used to reading your emails.

The emails also repromote the continuity offer to ensure you make the maximum number of sales…

…and the maximum income from your funnel!

But Don't Just Take My Word For It

As you can see, this is Vol II of my No Hurdles D4U funnels.

When I released Vol I, even I was surprised at how much people liked what they were getting

Here are just a few of the comments I received:

Best WarriorPlus product I’ve purchased in a very long time. – Glenn

 Awesome Prod.! – Mike

Just wanted to let you know how super impressed I am with the DFY Sales Funnel’ – Andy

And while I’m at it how about some very nice personal feedback…

You are among the few online
product producers I can really trust.. – Mary



Before I go, I do just have one more word of warning!

The drawback in investing in my offer is that it is going to take away all those old excuses for NOT building a list and finally succeeding online!

No need to create a lead magnet that people will want

No need for HTML  skills

No need to find affiliate offers that convert AND you will get approved for

No need to write relationship building follow up email sequences

No need to upload anything to web hosting

No need for squeeze page design  skills

No Hurdles Done4U Funnel: Vol II

“AR Mail Magic”

A Final Quick Word From Me

If you are already one of my subscribers, you know that I am a great believer in Win-Win marketing.

Yes I want to create an income, but if I want to do it in the long term (not to mention look myself in the mirror at night), I know I need to provide you REAL value.

I believe that is exactly what I’m providing here.

With this offer I am giving you a funnel that could be up and running in the next few minutes

…utilising the POWERFUL strategy I outlined earlier to make sure your new subscribers open and read your emails.

No it’s not magic, yes there is work, but in terms of a short cut, they don’t get much shorter.

And remember you also have my personal address if you do have any questions.

p.s. No one will judge you if you already know all the technical stuff, and can write engaging emails, but just fancy getting someone else to do it all for you 😉